KBMO Cardiac Inflammation Test
KBMO Cardiac Inflammation Test
Since most adults have some degree of cardiometabolic risk, the KBMO Cardiac Inflammation Test has been designed to evaluate and monitor the extent of this risk for patients.
Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity are widespread and very common among patients. These lifestyle diseases are largely preventable, treatable, and reversible. The right combination of blood tests can unmask and monitor risk for serious health problems including premature death and dramatically reduce quality of life.
Kit Includes:
Fingerstick Collection Instructions
Bloodspot Card
Two Sterile Single-Use Lancets
Alcohol Prep Pad
Biohazard Bag
Patient Requisition Form
Pre-Stamped USPS Mailing Envelope OR a UPS Bag and Pre-Paid Label
Foil Pouch